We are very pleased and excited to announce CORPORATION RPG 2nd Edition by Nightfall Games will be launched in 2024.
Corporation is a game of black ops in the ominous future of 2500AD. A world of Plasma rifles and Telepaths. A world where orbital travel is a middleclass experience and teleportation is readily available for industrial purposes. A world where cyberware/cyberpunk is blended with psychic powers…you can have both!
So, shine your shoes and recharge your pistol. You’ve got a briefing in 10. Don’t worry about the mohawk, its 2500. No one cares about your haircut.
Over the next few weeks, Nightfall Games will be working with James Norbury to move the first edition titles across to Nightfall Games’ DrivethruRPG account. In the mean time, our team will be getting upto speed on everything CORPORATION and preparing for 2nd Edition. James will be an integral part of that process, as one would expect!
Corporation by Brutal Games was initially launched in 2009 and is now a Platinum Seller on DrivethruRPG.
There will come a time when the nations of the world will cease to exist. When the anachronisms of state and country are finally crushed by the inexorable juggernaut of total corporate domination. When five monolithic Corporations are the new world powers. When the lives of billions are the sole property of the companies that employ them.
There will come a time when the tools of war and politics alike are not armies or diplomats but Agents: the eyes, the hands, and sometimes the knives of the Corporations, individuals elevated to new peaks of physical and mental potential by unthinkable training and unimaginable technologies.
There will come a time when you will be recruited as an Agent, ordered to operate outside any remaining semblance of law and augmented beyond what you once considered human. When you will negotiate, bargain, spy, sabotage, kill and perhaps die in the service of your Corporation – and when you will be well rewarded, as long as you survive.
The time is 2500 AD, and it is now.
My fellow writers, artists and I put enormous amounts of time and enthusiasm into Corporation. It grew into a much loved game, but it’s remained basically unchanged for 25 years and is still in its first edition. When I was approached by Nightfall Games about creating a second edition I couldn’t have been more excited. So much has changed since the first book was released and I can’t wait to get stuck in with Nightfall games to update a game I have so much love for. – James Norbury, Creator of Corporation.
When Corporation came across my desk, I was initially sceptical. Does the world really need another cyberpunk game? 30 minutes I was hooked. There’s nothing Punk about Corporation. Corporation is a hardcore Sci-fi in a future world patched together after massive wars and the discovery that we’re not alone in the universe. – Benn Graybeaton, Projects Director at Nightfall Games.
We are very much look forward to our journey with James Norbury the visionary creator of Corporation, and bring the game up to date and to a new audience. – Garry Harper, Director of Operations at Nightfall Games
Corporation players get the unique perspective of being part of the machine, with all the toys and resources at their disposal. Campaigns can run as action, horror, investigation, politics, or cosmic weirdness involving psychic powers, AI and strange alien dimensions. They can be run at any scale: street level, management, through to boardrooms and global affairs. The key is versatility, and the ability to recreate things you’ve seen in movies, anime or books all within one coherent setting, with its own personality. Oh, and a bunch of the odd phenomena (psychic powers, weird tech, mysterious AI) are all vaguely linked so if people want to explore the metaphysics, or maybe go out digging on other planets for artefacts, that’s also very much doable. – Tom Cole, long term fan and GM of Corporation.