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StokerVerse Roleplaying Game: Companion on PDF

The StokerVerse Logo

In the StokerVerse Roleplaying Game you are drawn into a dark and twisted universe. Faced with terrors from the harsh realities of the Victorian period and the ever-present shadows of the era, you have the unenviable task of facing the Vampire courts, the Werewolf clans and the terrible denizens of the shadows. Save those you can, as you walk in the same gaslight as the Ripper, Hyde and Frankenstein’s Monster…can you stop them before they end you!

The StokerVerse Roleplaying Game Companion

Welcome to the StokerVerse RPG Author’s Companion. This comprehensive crib-sheet for StokerVerse authors is the Watson to your Holmes. Within, you will find details for various creatures and archetypes that comprise the strange dark world envisaged by Mr. Stoker and Mr. McCauley, along with the reference sheets for the StokerVerse’s S5S Game System.

Inside, you will find 24 pages of printer-friendly content designed to facilitate play at the table, including:

  • A Map of the London Districts
  • A Quick Reference section for the S5S System and a Combat Reference Sheet
  • Archetypes to facilitate faster Character Generation
  • Wealth and Equipment Tables
  • A List of Victorian-era names for the inhabitants of London
  • Stat Tables for common NPCs and occult threats
  • And a plethora of Plot Hooks that can be easily combined, thanks to the Who, What, Where, Why system of adventure generation
A Victorian-era map of London

A Skull with Bat Wings